Freckles are effectively removed from face and body by using co 2 laser or Q switch laser.
How do I know if I need this treatment?
The Q-switched laser is appropriate if you have a few isolated colored spots, large or small, that you would like to remove. The Q-switched laser is also effective against sun spots on the chest, arms or legs.
Big moles are removed with co 2 laser.
What benefits can I expect?
A single treatment usually removes greater than 75-100% of an individual brown spot and mole. A second or, on rare occasions, a third treatment, may be needed to completely neutralize the color.
What are the risks and side effects?
A red or brown spot may appear when the treated sun freckle is gone and the crust heals. Although this new spot is temporary and usually goes away on its own, it can be treated if it persists. Infections and/ scars are rare. Proper skin care and sun avoidance are important.